Kishida and Moriyama Factions Receive Appointments from Ishiba, Motegi Remains Distant

The executive lineup for the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) has ⁤been decided, and the Cabinet has been appointed. However, ⁤it is evident that some party groups have fared better than others. Shigeru Ishiba, the ⁣new president​ of⁣ the LDP, ⁢showed favoritism towards members ‌of Prime Minister Fumio ​Kishida’s defunct faction, which played a crucial role in helping Ishiba secure the presidency. ‍He also considered the faction ⁤led by former‌ party Vice President Taro ⁢Aso, despite their decision not to support him in a runoff.

On the other hand, Ishiba gave few party or ‌Cabinet positions to members of two other defunct factions ​led by former party Secretary General Toshimitsu Motegi‍ and late Prime Minister Shinzo Abe. This suggests that these ⁢groups are now outside of the mainstream.

Ishiba’s ⁣victory in the LDP ⁣presidential election was made possible by support from Kishida’s former ⁢faction. In appreciation for their support, he decided to retain Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi⁢ and appointed former Defense Minister Itsunori Onodera to one of the four key party posts.

Hiroshi Moriyama, who led another defunct faction ‌within the LDP, was given the ⁢position ⁢of party secretary general to‍ oversee its ​management. Moriyama’s close relationship with Kishida and former Prime Minister Yoshihide⁤ Suga is expected‌ to ‍strengthen his‌ influence within the party.

Ishiba ⁣also included lawmakers​ close to Suga in his appointments. Former Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi was ‍named​ head of⁤ the Election Strategy Committee while former Deputy Chief Cabinet⁣ Secretary Manabu Sakai received a Cabinet post.

To maintain unity within the party, Aso was named as its top ⁤advisor and Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki‌ from Aso’s faction became‍ chair of its General Council. Two other members from⁤ Aso’s faction were also included in Ishiba’s Cabinet.

Former ⁤Motegi ​and Abe‌ factions were not as fortunate. Motegi himself did not ⁣receive any significant positions while Katsunobu Kato from his own faction but distanced ​himself from Motegi was named finance minister.

From Abe’s previous group with over 100 ‍members at‌ its‍ peak, Tatsuo Fukuda became acting secretary⁢ general but no member ⁣received a⁣ Cabinet post.

Out of 19‌ cabinet members appointed by Ishiba , 11 are unaffiliated with any factions ‌including Takeshi Iwaya who served as Defense ‌Minister previously and Takamaro ‌Fukuoka who chairs LDP Policy Board in House Councillors both left ‌Abe’s ⁤group earlier ‌this year.


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