Increase in Harassment of Hong Kong Journalists and Their Families Reported

Hong Kong‍ journalists and their families are facing an increasing wave ⁣of harassment and⁤ threats, both​ online and offline,⁤ according to Selina Cheng, Chairperson​ of the Hong Kong Journalists Association (HKJA). Speaking ​at a press conference ​on September ‍13th, Cheng revealed ⁣that ⁣incidents of harassment ‍have ⁤become more frequent and ​severe in recent months.

The HKJA conducted an investigation which found that systematic harassment was most concentrated between June and​ August ⁤of this year. During ⁣this period, there⁢ was a‌ significant increase ‍in incidents ‍towards 15​ organizations, including 13‍ media outlets ‍and‌ two journalism training institutions. Notable targets included the HKJA itself, as well‌ as Hong Kong Free Press, Inmedia, and Hong Kong Feature.

Since June,⁤ at least 15 families of journalists⁢ have received anonymous complaint emails from Microsoft Outlook accounts claiming⁣ to be ⁤from “patriots.”​ These messages often ⁣contained threats.‍ Larger organizations⁤ have received​ formal complaints while smaller outlets have been⁢ subjected to threatening messages resembling ransom notes ‍with the‌ journalist’s photo attached.

Hostile posts targeting‌ media outlets and journalists began appearing on facebook since August. These posts ⁤accused legitimate ​reporting as illegal or seditious. The HKJA identified at least 36 journalists from various outlets who were named‌ in⁤ these posts.

In some cases,⁢ harassers edited or posted threatening content on Wikipedia entries related to ⁣the targeted journalists. Additionally, harassing messages were sent directly to reporters’ work or home phone numbers shortly after these‌ posts went ⁢live.

The aim behind these acts is believed to be intimidation by⁣ disrupting sources of income or social connections for​ journalists and their families ⁣or associates.⁣ This​ pressure is ⁢intended to isolate them and force resignations ​from their jobs or trade union roles.

Cheng described these attacks as‌ “coordinated and systematic,” ‌targeting the​ journalistic ‌community ‌rather than specific individuals. The HKJA strongly condemned these intimidation tactics while reaffirming its commitment to ⁢defending press freedom.

Cheng likened⁢ the harassment ⁤campaign to a “fishing expedition,” where perpetrators ⁤move on ‍if⁢ targets do not respond. However,‍ victims who engaged with harassers experienced escalating ​levels of harassment ​afterward. She urged journalists not to ⁢interact with ⁣harassers but instead report incidents to the police ‌while notifying the Privacy ‍Commissioner for Personal ‍Data (PCPD).

Although ‌some messages referenced issues such as Taiwan’s ⁢elections‌ or Hong Kong’s ban on ​Japanese seafood imports; ‍Cheng stated ⁣that there didn’t appear any direct ​link between specific stories or outlets regarding this ​harassment campaign.

The HKJA has taken action by contacting platforms like Meta (formerly facebook) and Wikipedia regarding these ​incidents. Wikipedia has already banned a⁢ user who posted personal information about journalists involved ⁤in this case. ​Furthermore, legal action ⁣has been initiated by⁢ filing complaints⁣ with PCPD against ⁢those responsible for the‌ harassment campaign.

Additionally concerning are reports from three ​victims ​whose luggage was searched by customs upon re-entering Hong Kong; two subsequently received​ threatening WhatsApp messages after arrival back home. The HKJA​ expressed⁣ concerns about⁤ possible government data leaks‍ since harassers had access to personal information that should not ‍be publicly available.

To⁤ safeguard ⁤personal information going forward;⁢ it ⁣advises journalists not share​ family ⁢photos online ⁣while using ​strong passwords⁤ with two-step verification for their accounts.


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