Defense Ministry Signs Contracts for 2 Aegis-Equipped Vessels

The Defense‍ Ministry‌ has⁤ recently​ signed contracts to construct two vessels that will be equipped with the Aegis⁢ system. ⁤These ships​ are expected to play a crucial role in Japan’s defense against ballistic‌ missiles. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries⁢ Ltd.‌ has been awarded a⁤ ¥139.7⁣ billion contract to ⁢build ⁣one ⁤of the vessels, while Japan Marine United Corp.⁢ will construct the other for ¥132.4 billion. The ‍scheduled commissioning dates for​ these ⁢ships are‍ 2027 and 2028, respectively.

These ⁣Aegis-equipped vessels will replace the previously planned land-based Aegis Ashore systems, which were ultimately abandoned by the ‍government. Notably, ​these ‍new ships ‌will feature an upgraded radar system that is more powerful than what is currently installed⁢ on existing Aegis-equipped vessels.

In addition to their advanced radar capabilities, ⁤these vessels are also expected to carry an improved ‌version of the​ Type 12 surface-to-ship guided​ missiles. This⁢ enhancement will ​provide them with robust counterattack capabilities against potential threats.‍ Furthermore, they will be equipped with missiles capable of intercepting hypersonic glide⁢ vehicle ⁢weapons.

these contracts ⁤mark a significant ​step forward in ⁢Japan’s efforts to enhance its defense capabilities‍ against ballistic missiles. With their advanced technology and upgraded‍ features, these Aegis-equipped vessels⁤ are poised to play a vital‍ role⁤ in safeguarding national security in the⁣ years ahead.


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